2019 Neurolanguage Learning Conference

- Publicado por appa
- Publicado em Congressos/Encontros, Notícias
Lisbon, 16th-17th May 2019
Come and be inspired, get new insight into brain-friendly learning and how to make the learning process more effective and efficient. Join us for the Neurolanguage Learning Conference for exploring HOW TO ENHANCE THE LEARNING PROCESS – through neuroscience, coaching, emotional intelligence, practical intelligence, neurofeedback, neurolanguage coaching, polyglotism, enhancing educational systems and much much more.
More details at: www.nllconference.com
SPECIAL PRICE for APPA associates:
EUR 135 + VAT = £117.65 + VAT
(for registrations before 28th February 2019)
Includes conference presentations on 16th and 17th May, coffee-breaks and lunch
Please book your place at www.nllconference.com/tickets/ and insert your promo code: APPANLCONF2019